Dating with Berta

The last days of our expedition contained some spicy and exciting moments: after a rest day due to strong wind, we went back in the kayaks and covered half of the remaining distance to our destination. Just before landing on the shore one of us capsized into the water, luckily with no consequences and just before the place where we planned to sleep. The very same night we slept in an abandoned house and at 5 in the morning we were woken up by a polar bear. The animal was curiously smelling our feet at less than one meter from us. We started yelling and screaming, hitting things on the ground and we managed somehow to scare the bear, which took some distance from us and eventually left. We baptised the bear Berta. She was really cute but too chubby for our taste. So we began our last kayaking day with perfect sea and wind conditions. About 2 hours far from ittoqqotoormit the wind started blowing and our easy last day pleasure cruise suddenly became a regatta race against wind and waves. A proper conclusion for an amazing expedition. We arrived in ittoqotoormiit yesterday afteroon, 32 days after our start. Our trip is now really over. We re looking forward to seeing you all in Italy and Switzerland and tell you more about our adventure.

Matteo, Silvan & Laddy


2 Gedanken zu „Dating with Berta“

  1. Hoi Silvan
    Ich finde es faszinierend, wie aufregend und abenteuerlich eure Expedition in Grönland war. Von einer gekenterten Person im Wasser bis hin zum Dating mit einem neugierigen Eisbären namens Berta – eure Reise hatte wirklich alles zu bieten. Es muss ein unvergessliches Erlebnis gewesen sein, das sicherlich viele Geschichten zu erzählen bietet.

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